


At Our World With Meredith, I aim to inspire and empower individuals to make a difference. By sharing my journey, I hope to show that anyone can become an advocate for our planet. Together, we can create a sustainable future and ensure that the natural wonders we cherish today are preserved for generations to come. My passion began in 2015 with a Facebook page and writing letters to companies about their environmental practices. This website is the latest addition to the evolution of my project. It contains a depository of the Our World Wednesday videos which originally post on Instagram, recent Blog posts, my story of how Our World originated, and expert interviews. Our World is like our own world, continually evolving.

Check out my Instagram for current and past posts and videos of my work over the years. As I continue to learn and grow in my understanding of environmental issues and opportunities, Our World will grow, too. Thank you for being a part of of the journey!

Link to: Our World with Meredith Instagram

Expert Interviews

Interview with Alaini Schneider Cossette, M.S., Consulting Ecologist

Interview with Maureen Hynes, Sustainable Cosmetics Creator, Environmental Entrepreneur

Each day is a beautiful day to go enjoy our world, so start by taking a step outside.